The last step is to visualise the existing observed, and the  proposed predicted for comparison.

  1. First create thematic map for existing
  2. Step One : Choose Line Ranges default -> Next
  3. Step Two : table = “pedmov”, Field = “ex_allday_pedmov”
  4. Step Three Ranges : Ranges= 8, Method = Natural Break -> Recalc – > OK
  5. Step Four : Choose Top colour = Red, size= 3, Choose Bottom colour = Blue, Options -> Auto Spread Style by = HSV, Inflection = 2 – > ok
  6. Created pedestrian movement thematic from red to blue.
  7. Repeat the same steps for both existing observed and proposed predicted. A and B
  8. now you have completed the urban performance model tutorial

Press link for an animation of the steps.